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Automotive Engineering & Design
Automotive Engineering & Design is a competency-based instructional program that emphasizes the development of
automotive technicians trained for the demands of today’s sophisticated automotive repair, engineering, and laboratory environments. Unlike most traditional automotive programs,
AED offers students the opportunity to work with computer-assisted design technology in an engineering-infused environment. The structure of the program emphasizes both theory and opportunity for engagement in a live work process. Students are tracked through a series of proficiencies and projects that support the A.S.E.- and Project Lead the Way- approved curricula. An individual educational plan is designed for each student and individualized instructions implemented throughout the four-year process. The AED Program is unique in that it offers opportunities for discovery in Automotive Fundamentals, Automotive Design, Engineering, Performance, Diagnostics & Repair, Clean Air & Alternative Fuel Technologies,
and Navigational Systems that bring automotive students together with other technical disciplines, such as Electronics, Auto Fabrication, Pre-Engineering, and Welding. The Automotive Technology suite is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic technology. The service environments designed for production tied to specific competencies sequenced through the advancement of the automotive curriculum, current computer-driven diagnostic, and alignment and colorizing technologies. With experience and with a background in college preparatory academics, students are well prepared for college acceptance, postsecondary technical school placement, or field employment. Students who meet all eligibility criteria become A.S.E. certified. Students may also earn college credit through the Project Lead the Way courses.

Automotive Engineering & Design Program Highlights:11• Foundations in Auto Technology
• Systems Analysis
• Introduction to Engineering Design
• Engineering Design and Development
• Advanced Systems Analysis
• Principles of Engineering (elective)
• Digital Electronics (elective)
• AP Physics B (elective)
• Auto Fabrication and Design Studio      thsauto• Dell Winston Solar challenge
• Partnership with BMW
• NATEF Certification